Woolfest Haul 2011
Just got back from a wonderful weekend away in the Lakes. I went to Woolfest and spent far too much money but brought back with me enough goodies to keep me going for some time.

- I got 3 rovings from FeltStudioUK; 2 were bfl/silk mix (the pink/red and yellow one and the purple and green one) and 1 Falkland (which is the bright multicoloured one)
- Two 100g pastel dyed shetland rovings and a soft green BFL and teal Shetland from Wheeldale. Planning on making a big scarf from the shetland ones and some fair isle mitts with the other two
- Two more Kromski bobbins for my Sonata from Wingham Woolworks
- Some wooden sock blockers from Laal Bear, the sock on the blockers is a work in progress. Wanida by Cookie A.
- The skein of wool is sock wool from Freyalyn Fibers and is Khaki and Grey and called Merlin which I thought would be ideal for Hubby
- A cake of striped sock wool from Sparkleduck in purple and green
- A gorgeous kilt pin and stag's head buttons from Textile Garden
- And finally my more indulgent purchase of a Turkish Drop Spindle from ITS Crafts as I couldn't stand to look at that fibre all weekend without my spinning wheel so I got a bit of spinning done while away. Plus it's such a lovely spindle too. I got one made from Bog Oak and it's a slightly more unusual way of spinning compared to the way I've done it before and really love it.
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